EMDR & Therapy in Frisco

Serving Texas, Florida, & Colorado
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EMDR & Therapy

for the heartbroken, alone, or those stuck

in anxiety, depression, trauma,

toxic relationships,

or… well… life.




Ease the cycle of worry, self-doubt, & difficulty in relationships.

Find the calm, clarity, and confidence to

improve your relationship with yourself and others,

move from anxiety and depression to reclaim your life,

& design the life you deserve, even when you don’t know where to start.

If you’re:


  • Anxious, stressed, or overwhelmed
  • Sad, somewhat depressed, or unmotivated
  • Feeling stuck, lost, and alone in your pain
  • Struggling with strained or broken relationships
  • Finding it difficult to live up to others’ expectations
  • Feeling insecure at work, socially, in your marriage, or while dating
  • Unsure how to navigate your way through anxiety, depression, or trauma
  • In need of insight, guidance, deep processing, and tools to move forward

If you’re somewhat sensitive and feel things deeply…

If you fear that you’re too much 

and yet 

somehow not quite enough.

I got you.

Compassion Centered

LGBTQ+ Affirmative 

Mental Health Care

Robust Scientific Research

Modern Approach

Gold-Standard Treatment

Let’s Get You on the Mend.

I help people who struggle with anxiety, depression, or trauma stop the unrelenting cycle of stress, self-doubt, and problems in their relationships. 

My clients struggle as you do. They are smart, kind, and capable. Yet no matter how hard they try, the feeling that they aren’t good enough is pervasive.

Most of my clients come in for help with anxiety and relationship problems with families, significant others, or while dating. But there are often other factors that contribute to their problems: depression, low self-esteem, perfectionism, people-pleasing, painful memories or trauma, and lack of joy or fulfillment. 

When we first meet, my clients often say they’ve tried everything else to no avail. They’ve read countless articles and books. They’ve listened to all the podcasts. They’ve even tried to work, achieve, or yoga their way to happiness. 

But it wasn’t enough.

From all outward appearances, they may seem to have it all. They have an active dating life or relationship that looks good from the outside, a promising career trajectory, and maybe even friends or family members who offer support the best way they can. 

But below the surface, they’ve been trying desperately to hold everything together and urgently trying to please, achieve, and prove their worth. 

And the cycle was burning them out.

The endless pursuit to balance everything in our modern lives can be overwhelming. To be a desirable partner, an impressive worker, a great friend, and a perfect parent – all while balancing our own needs, is simply unrealistic.

Perhaps you know deep down that you are worthy of a calmer and fuller life, but haven’t found another way to quiet that nagging inner voice telling you that you’re too much and yet somehow not quite enough.

Let’s get you out of that cycle and into a better life.

Like my clients, you deserve to show up fully in every setting – work, dating, friendship, marriage, family – all of it.

You can find yourself and feel at peace again. 

Let’s calm the anxiety, stress, and self-doubt that affects your performance at work, impacts your relationships, takes a toll on your health, and keeps you from living fully and authentically with ease and vibrance.

Ready? Let’s do this.